Parts & Accessories for off-road motorcycles

Get in touch

Please do not hesitate to contact 4MX Racing for information about our products / services, or for any questions you may have.

4MX Racing warehouse, sales and administrative services are located on our 1300 m² building located on Travassô, Águeda – Portugal (GPS: 40.596191, -8.473521). location_on See the map

4MX Racing is open Monday-Friday, in the morning from 9:00 till 12:30, and in the afternoon from 14:00 till 18:30.

We welcome customers to our facilities during business hours.

Contact information


4MX Racing
Zona Industrial de Travassô, Marco da Raposa, 3750-753 Travassô


+351 234 667 361
+351 917 269 092
+351 919 355 524
+351 919 355 562


Contact form